Search4um is the web portal for a recruitment agency through which Larry V. Combs, Esq., and associates, discreetly offer executive search (headhunter / recruitment), services for mid-level through senior-level professionals.
Industries and Disciplines with which we have experienced a higher volume of activity:
Industries Include: Oil & Gas, Agribusiness, Construction, Financial Institutions, Legal, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Independent Power Production (Including Green), and Environmental.
Disciplines Include: Engineering, Finance/Accounting, Legal (Attorneys for law firms and corporate legal departments), Healthcare Professionals, Information Technology/Computer Professionals, Sales, General Administration.
Geographic Areas of Service: Although we primarily devote our attention to servicing client companies in the Continental U.S., with emphasis on the West Coast, we do occasionally accept International assignments.
The ownership, management, and staff of Search4um, look forward to the opportunity to assist with the recruiting efforts of companies interested in securing professional, success oriented, external assistance in meeting their staffing requirements.
Notwithstanding the clear trend to specialize by industry and/or discipline, Larry V. Combs, Esq., the founder of Search4um, has, effectively and continually demonstrated how taking the time to understand a company's needs and culture, coupled with hard honest effort, state-of-the-art technology, time proven recruiting methodologies, and valued industry associations, lend to successful results, irrespective of the industry or discipline involved.
We welcome the chance to compete with the specialists!
In short, search services are provided for mid-level through senior-level professionals to be considered for permanent positions.
Said services are offered on a contingent or retained basis.
All fees are the total responsibility of the employing entity.
We will not waste your time, violate your confidence, or in most cases (sometimes we even surprise ourselves), provide instant career gratification.
We will, however, listen to your career objectives, honestly evaluate how we believe we can be of assistance, and minimally provide each professional who chooses to submit their resume for our consideration, "another iron in the fire".